The office of eldership is given in Scripture to provide spiritual nurture and protection for the church. Elders are to shepherd the flock of Jesus Christ through the faithful ministry of the Word and are to lead by godly example.
Our purpose is to glorify God by serving His body through caring for the operational aspects of the church.
As spiritual leaders, the deaconesses will aid the Pastor and assist the deacons in serving and enhancing the spiritual life of the women members of the church, and others as directed or requested by the Pastor. Internal instructional activities and outreach ministries are also expected to help foster the growth of the church and service to the community.
The purpose of the Worship Ministries is to ultimately and entirely bring glory to God; their primary means of fulfilling this goal is by collectively leading and aiding members of the Body of Christ in corporate worship.
This is what hospitality ministry is all about: laying out the “red-carpet” welcome to people in your church as a representative of your congregation. It's one of the most enjoyable areas ministry that involves meeting new people, sharing personal warmth and joy inspired by God, and enjoying a fun experience together.
This ministry has taken an avid interest in many civic and religious activities. This ministry serves the sick and shut-ins in the church, the community and some nursing homes residents. We also contribute to the financial needs of our church, and make holiday contributions at local community organizations.
Provide ushers/greeters at the doors and throughout the sanctuary at all worship services. Assist the Pastor and maintain order and an atmosphere of reverence during worship services.
This ministry uses text, email and voice calling to inform the Body of Christ of local events and church communications. Consistent communication helps to keep people informed about ministry programs, initiatives, activities, service projects, and events which supports our Vision of “Growing in love for God and others we make disciples for Jesus” and our Mission to “Love God—Love People—Make Disciples.”
To cultivate, harness, utilize the latent strength, worth and energies of the young people of the church toward the growth and edification of the Body of Christ not only spiritually but socially as well. The department is also here to help direct the young people toward leading lives that will honor the name of God. Finally, it also has a role of trying to win souls to the Body of Christ.
The Tech Ministry requires an elevated level of commitment but gives great satisfaction to our team members. To serve in this ministry, some technical knowledge may be necessary but don’t worry, training is available.
The Jail Ministry take the church behind bars to play to a captivated crowd. But inspiring, connecting and making a real difference in the lives of the inmates requires a ministry that understands the interest and abilities of its volunteers, and the needs of its participants.
The mission of Special Needs Ministries is to bring all members into the work of Christ. To promote full inclusion of members with disabilities, it is important to focus on each person's abilities, talents, and relationship with God.
The Trustee Ministry is used for the efficient management of the liquid and fixed assets of the Church in such a manner that is conducive to the goals and objectives of the Church membership and Church leadership.
To provide a clean, welcoming appearance of the facilities in a way that is conducive to a worshipful and educational environment, consult with staff regarding accomplishments, concerns, and needs.